The World Health Organization reports, “to date, modern scientific research studies have revealed the following actions of acupuncture:
inducing analgesia
protecting the body against infections
regulating various physiological functions.”
And “because of the side-effects of long-term drug therapy for pain and the risks of dependence, acupuncture analgesia can be regarded as the method of choice for treating many chronically painful conditions.”
What is Acupuncture?
Dr Musclow, ND, MAc, MSc will use tiny needles or non-insertive methods to stimulate Qi (or energy) in the channels of your body to achieve therapeutic effect. These needles are NOT those used in venipuncture for blood draws. They are as thin as a hair and most patients do not feel most point insertions. Points are used locally in areas where there is pain or in combination on different areas of the body to achieve the therapeutic effect.
How does a needle feel?
Upon needle insertion most patients do not feel anything, some feel an instant tiny prick sensation. Acupuncture usually creates sensations in the body, which is the aim of the treatment. Most people feel very relaxed and very peaceful. They may feel a heavy sensation, a warming or a cooling feeling. If you came in with pain or stress, you will start to feel it subside. Most patients even fall asleep on the table.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture works by opening up blockages along the meridians of the body. According to the Chinese, pain and disease is the result of blocked Qi and blood. When it does not flow, Qi and blood cannot reach an area of the body due to the lack of circulation. Acupuncture needles are inserted along meridians and in different parts of the body that communicate with a targeted area. The procedure acts to open up circulation giving comfort and relief to the patient.
According to modern research, acupuncture works on the neurological, circulatory, lymphatic and electromagnetic systems in the body. It produces an endorphin analgesic response in the body that is cumulative over many treatments and a biochemical reaction regulating mood that produces fast immediate results. So, a patient can experience relief from pain in one part of the body and at the same time become very relaxed during the treatment.
How many treatments are necessary?
During the initial interview, Dr Musclow will sit down with you to discuss your case and the treatment plan. For serious pain cases, at least one treatment each of the first two weeks may be necessary. For chronic issues, and after initial acutes are well managed, appointments are spaced out less frequently, typically every four weeks. Botanical medicine, dietary changes, and other medical modalities are typically prescribed to continue the treatment between visits.